A man in a grey t-shirt holds an oversized postcard with Health Minister Adrian Dix's headshot instead of a postage stamp. Colourful hand-lettered text reads, Minister Dix: We need clean air! Stop spreading airborne illnesses! DoNoHarm BC

Last updated: August 27, 2023

Our Demands

Additionally, we call on BC decision makers to implement or restore other vital public health measures, including:

In making these demands, we echo calls from over 50 other organizations and expert signatories who voice concerns about the risks of uncontrolled Covid-19 spread as BC heads into fall. Read the open letter and full list of signatories here.

Key Facts

Dangers of COVID-19

Dangers in healthcare

All this happens against a backdrop of where right now in BC: 

Others Weigh In on Healthcare Masking

  • World Health Organization: “If COVID-19 is circulating, visitors, along with health workers and caregivers, should wear a well-fitting medical mask at all times when caring for non-COVID-19 patients and in all common areas, even if physical distancing can be maintained.” Read the recommendation.
  • Kasari Govender (BC Human Rights Commissioner): “[The] removal of masking directives in healthcare settings does not uphold a human rights centered approach to public health.” Read the full statement.
  • Protect our Province BC: “Not only does removing masking in healthcare settings make hospital-acquired (nosocomial) illness far more likely, it [results] in the illness of far more healthcare workers which will further strain a medical system already near the breaking point.” Read the full statement.
  • Dr. Karina Zeidler (Vancouver family physician): ““It’s morally reprehensible for our government to remove universal masking in health care. Hospitals shouldn’t be a place where you get Covid. More people died of Covid in 2022, the year of Omicron, than any other year of the pandemic. More than 1.4 million Canadians, including healthcare workers, are suffering from the devastating effects of Long Covid. Masking is an easy, cheap, effective measure against so many infectious diseases.” Read the full statement.
  • Dr. Sanjiv Gandhi (clinical professor of surgery at UBC), Dr. Cameron Morhaliek (psychiatrist), and Dr. Joe Vipond (emergency doctor and clinical assistant professor at the University of Calgary): “Masks unequivocally mitigate the spread of airborne pathogens. When the havoc being wreaked by COVID is still rampant, it is dumbfounding why universal mandatory masking would be removed in health-care settings — especially acute-care hospitals filled with the vulnerable sick, the immunocompromised, and those with significant pre-existing illness.” Read the full statement.
  • Dr. Tara Moriarty (Associate Professor University of Toronto, Infectious Disease Research Laboratory, co-founder of COVID-19 Resources Canada): “Promoting the safety of people at higher risk from COVID in essential healthcare settings is not only desirable. It is required if institutions truly support equitable, accessible care that promotes health.” Read the full statement.
  • David Osborn, BSc, CMIOSH, SpDipEM, Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner: “The World Health Organization continues to recommend universal masking policies in health and social care… [abandoning] universal masking… is viewed by some patients as playing ‘Russian roulette’ with their health.” Read the full statement.
  • Scottish Healthcare Workers Coalition: “[Removing universal masking in healthcare] is not based on the science of SARS-Cov-2 transmission and represents a flawed and dangerous decision which will result in more infections in health and social care settings.” Read the full statement.
  • Over 28,000 petitioners and rising: “Canadian hospitals need to maintain MASK mandates.” Find the petition here.
  • 2,034 poll respondents (via a social media poll by a Vancouver Covid safety advocate): 85% of respondents state they are “avoiding or putting off non-emergency medical visits due to the removal of mask mandates in healthcare settings”. Find the poll here. 
  • 450 clinically vulnerable people (via a poll by Clinically Vulnerable Families): 91% of respondents state they “have or would delay / cancel medical appointments due to high Covid risks”; many of the remaining 9% state they had no choice but to attend. Find the poll here.

About DoNoHarm BC

We are a non-partisan action group of British Columbians advocating for evidence-based safety measures in high-risk settings.

Media kit

Media inquiries: DoNoHarmBC@gmail.com


  • our press release
  • photos and alt text
  • first-person stories and quotes from British Columbians

Follow the story: #DoNoHarmBC #Postcards4PublicHealth #KeepMasksInHealthcare #UnsafeSeptember #CovidIsntOver

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