Closeup of a Black person's hands holding an N-95 equivalent mask

Deadline: Friday, February 9th, 2024

The federal government is holding its “Pre-budget Consultations 2024”, asking Canadians to share their ideas and priorities for federal funding in the coming year.

We have a chance to let the federal government know that clean air and COVID safety are important to Canadians. The more people mention the same things, the more likely they are to pay attention.

How to complete the survey

  • Go to, scroll down, and click the tab that says “Questionnaire”.
  • Answers must be submitted by Friday, February 9th, 2024.
  • The questionnaire only takes 5 minutes (faster with template answers)!
  • You do not need to provide your name or contact information for this questionnaire. Everyone in Canada can answer this, as well as Canadians living outside Canada.

Below, you can find some answers you can use or paraphrase regarding COVID safety and pandemic resilience. (You don’t need to include the links – they’re just there for your reference.) Of course, feel free to add your own answers as well!

Template answers

1. What policy do you think would best create jobs and grow the economy? (Select up to 3)

Select “Other”, and add:

  • Invest in new infrastructure and retrofits for Clean Indoor Air to address wildfire smoke, pollution, CO2 buildup and airborne illnesses

2. How do you think the government can best support Canada’s future economy? (Select 1)

3. What are the most important ways the Government of Canada can help ensure that no Canadian gets left behind? (Select up to 3)

Select “Other”, and add:

  • Add PPE (personal protective equipment) as an eligible medical expense for federal tax credits – at least $50/person upon presentation of receipt

4. What are your top priorities for Budget 2024? (Select up to 5)


  • “Help provinces and territories improve health care services”
  • “Lift Canadians out of poverty”

Select “Other”, and add:

5. If you were designing the federal budget, what would you do to help grow Canada’s economy?

  • Invest in Clean Indoor Air infrastructure that meets ASHRAE Standard 241, in order to reduce work and school absenteeism from illness, improve cognitive performance, and reduce chronic disease burden. StatsCan data shows Canada is experiencing record-high work absences due to illness and disability, and research shows ventilation and filtration can reduce illness at a benefit-cost ratio of up to 100:1.

6. What is one idea you have for how the federal government can support you or your community?

Include the priority that resonates most with you, e.g.:

  • Federal tax credit covering PPE as an eligible medical expense
  • Fund Long Covid research and care
  • Fund the Canada Disability Benefit

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