August 8, 2023 (Vancouver, BC)
Today, members of DoNoHarm BC signed an open letter from Protect Our Province BC, outlining concerns around unsafe return to school in the midst of new SARS-CoV-2 variants. Alongside over fifty other organizations and experts, we are calling for the following measures to protect our children and communities:
1) Ventilate and clean the air in schools so it is as clean, fresh and virus-free as possible.
2) Bring back mask protections with high quality masks, such as KN95 or better, to control COVID-19 and other airborne viruses at the source. High quality masks must be provided for free by the government to ensure equity of access and protection.
3) Name It: Covid is Airborne. SARS-CoV-2 spreads like cigarette smoke and can hang in the air for hours. Infections occur by breathing in aerosols, both near the source and far from it.
4) The federal government has a stock of 39 million rapid antigen tests. Provide these rapid tests to students and staff along with up to date, accurate public education on how and when to test and how often.
5) Vaccinate families and children early against COVID-19 and influenza.
You can find the full text of the open letter from Protect Our Province BC, as well as the international list of organizations and experts who have joined the letter as signatories.
About DoNoHarm BC
We are a non-partisan action group of British Columbians advocating for evidence-based safety measures in high-risk settings.
Media kit
Media inquiries: DoNoHarmBC@gmail.com or contact Protect Our Province BC
Follow the story: #DoNoHarmBC #Postcards4PublicHealth #KeepMasksInHealthcare #UnsafeSeptember #CovidIsntOver